Nannina de' Medici

Nannina de' Medici, was born under the name Lucrezia (Florence, 14 February 1448 – 14 May 1493), and was the third daughter of Piero di Cosimo de' Medici and Lucrezia Tornabuoni. She is also known as Lucrezia di Piero de' Medici. She was the older sister of Lorenzo de' Medici. Hers was a cultured and refined education, but more "filtered" than that of the siblings males Lorenzo and Giuliano.

Nannina was the family name of the great-grandmother Piccarda Bueri. At least two portraits of her in youth are known to exist: One in the head of the Magi, the girl on the left to horse near the sisters in the wall of Giovanni Paleologo, and another, presumed, in the Madonna of the Magnificat, where it is represented by the angel on the right-hand side that supports the crown of the Madonna.

On the 8 June 1466, she married Bernardo Rucellai. Their wedding remained in annals for the magnificent and the profound of festivals and banquets: celebrated in the Loggia Rucellai, constructed from the plans of Leon Alberti Batiste. Together, the couple purchased the Oricellari Gardens. They had four sons, Cosimo, Pietro, Palla and Giovanni.

Nannina de' Medici died in May 1493.